Anhui Kangfei
New Energy Technology Co., Ltd

R & D, sales, technical consultation and technical services of new energy materials and power parts;More than 10 years experience in new energy alternative fuel engine and auto / engineering vehicle parts and systems integration Import and export business of all kinds of new energy products and technologiesHydrogen transportation equipment, hydrogen distribution system equipment......

  • 90

    Covering 90% of the provinces and municipalities directly under the central government
  • 100

    Hundreds of first and second tier cities
  • 500

    Hundreds of cooperation cases, including Weichai Yuchai Dongfeng Cummins and other automobile and engine companies
  • Our understanding of quality is to fully meet all requirements and expectations of customers.
  • We always supply goods to customers in accordance with the time, quantity and technical specifications agreed with customers.
  • In order to meet our customers' wishes in the future, we are committed to constantly improving our service processes and products.
  • We are committed to training our employees to ensure that their behavior meets the standards.
  • We know that quality is not an accident, but a constant improvement in our daily work.
  • Quality can be designed and must be completed in each process. We are responsible for the quality of our work.